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Government Paid Farmers to Feed Cows

Financial Assistance

AgriRecovery: Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance


AgriRecovery is a disaster relief framework under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership that provides a coordinated process for federal, provincial and territorial governments to respond rapidly when disasters affecting several producers occur.

The Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance program was developed in consultation with industry to help meet the needs of Manitoba producers experiencing drought conditions.

The program helps livestock producers affected by low moisture conditions in 2021 to maintain their breeding herds.


The application deadline ofMay 13, 2022 has now passed.


Review the AgriRecovery Drought Assistance-Farmers Guidebook for detailed information on eligible and ineligible costs, as well as other program requirements.

WHAT IS NEW? (March 2022)

Elimination of Producer Share and Increase in Maximum Payments - The producer share or deductible has been eliminated from the payment calculation. The maximum per head payments have also been increased. These changes are retroactive to June 1, 2021. Producers do not need to resubmit invoices or applications. The Program Administrator will automatically issue payments triggered by eliminating the producer share and increasing the caps.

Extension of Invoice Dates - Invoices dated on or before April 15, 2022 are eligible if the purchase or transportation was to continue maintaining the eligible breeding animals owned on March 15, 2022. This extension will assist producers facing issues with taking delivery of feed ordered before the original March 15th deadline.

Extension of Application Deadline - The application deadline has been extended to May 13, 2022 due to the extension of the eligible dates for invoices. This extension will allow time to obtain proof of payment for the purchases made by April 15, 2022.

Expansion of Eligible Feeds - The list of eligible feeds now includes feed additives and premixes, molasses based products, vitamins, minerals, and oils and fats. The change is retroactive to June 1, 2021. Previous applicants of the program have been sent an email or letter in the mail informing them how they can apply for these expenses.

Extraordinary Expenses incurred between June 1, 2021 and April 15, 2022 including hauling water, renting extra pasture and cropland, harvesting extra acres for livestock feed, temporary fencing for supplemental grazing, and transporting feed from distant locations. A one time declaration of extraordinary expenses can be submitted over the life of the program.

View: What are Extraordinary Expenses?

View: How are Payments Calculated for Feed Purchases and Extraordinary Expenses?


  • Primary producers who owned or leased the eligible animals, located in Manitoba, as of June 1, 2021 and continued to own or lease them to March 15, 2022 or later are eligible.

  •  Eligible animals include breeding head of beef and dairy cattle, horses raised for Pregnant Mare Urine (PMU), sheep, goats, bison and elk.

  •  Breeding animals are mature females exposed to breeding (male or artificial insemination) and males used previously for breeding.

  •  Elk producers must have a Game Farm Production Licence and only elk farmed under that licence are eligible.


Assistance is provided for eligible costs incurred between June 1, 2021 and April 15, 2022 for:

  • winter-feed costs of eligible breeding animals. Breeding animals are mature females exposed to breeding (male or artificial insemination) and males used previously for breeding.

  • feed testing to determine the nutritional value of eligible feeds.

  • extraordinary expenses associated with above-normal costs for accessing additional crop or pasture acres, hauling water, harvesting extra acres, or hauling self-produced feed from distant locations.


Livestock Feed

Eligible Feeds
Grazed corn and greenfeed.
Mechanically harvested hay, silage, greenfeed, stover, straw, including those purchased as standing crops or grazed in a swath.
Grain and concentrates (pulses, oilseeds, canola meal, screenings, dried distillers grain, and other feeds as approved by the Program Administrator).
Feed additives and premixes are eligible as concentrates including molasses based products, vitamins, minerals, oils and fats.
Ineligible Feeds
High moisture feeds with low nutrient density.
Feeds that based on their name, label, registration, or contents are primarily intended for young stock.

Purchased feed and feed testing are eligible expenses. The feed must be consumed within the overwintering period. Invoices and proof of payment must be submitted for all feed purchases and feed testing claimed.

Extraordinary Expenses

Extraordinary expenses required to sustain eligible livestock affected by drought are eligible and can include costs not related to feed purchases or transportation of purchased feed.

Eligible Extraordinary Expenses
Rental of pasture, forage and/or crop land that is not normally rented for the applicants production of feed for eligible livestock.
Purchase or rental of temporary fencing supplies to provide supplemental grazing for eligible livestock.
Providing drinking water to livestock including water purchases, custom water hauling, water hauling equipment rental, and fuel and hired labour to haul water with the applicant's own equipment.
Harvesting of feed including mowing, raking, baling, collecting bales and silage harvesting, on land that is not typically used by the applicant, including land seeded to annual crops in 2021. The eligible costs include custom-harvesting and fuel and hired labour costs for harvesting with the applicant's own equipment. This activity must only be for producing feed for eligible livestock and cannot exceed the applicant's normal annual feed production.
Transportation of feed produced by the applicant, including custom-hauling and the fuel and hired labour costs for hauling with the applicant's own equipment for trips 40 kilometres or greater one-way. The extraordinary costs are limited to the first 600 kilometres one-way for each trip. Expenses claimed cannot exceed the tonne-km payment rates described in the Transportation of Purchased Feed section of this web page.

How to Calculate Payment for Livestock Feed and Extraordinary Expenses

The Program Administrator will make payments to the applicant for purchases and testing of eligible feed and extraordinary expenses made between June 1, 2021 and April 15, 2022.

Maximum eligible extraordinary expenses that can be claimed are capped on a per head basis.

Maximum Eligible Extraordinary Expenses that can be claimed are:
$133.33 per head for beef cattle, dairy cattle, bison, horses (PMU only), and elk
$26.66 per head for sheep and goats

Total Paymentsare equal to 70 percent of the feed purchases, feed testing, and extraordinary expenses claimed to a maximum per head payment. The maximum payments per head were increased effective March 30, 2022, with the change being retroactive to June 1, 2021.

Maximum Per Head Payments are:
$270 per head for beef cattle, dairy cattle, bison, horses (PMU only), and elk
$54 per head for sheep and goats

Total Program Payments are calculated using these two steps:

STEP 1: Calculate total eligible expenses

STEP 2: Total program payment is 70% of the Total Eligible Expenses

Elimination of Producer Share and Increase in Program Maximum Per Head Payments

Effective March 30, 2022, the producer share or deductable has been eliminated from the payment calculation. The maximum per head payments have also been increased. These changes are retroactive to June 1, 2021. Producers do not need to resubmit invoices or applications. The Program Administrator will automatically issue payments triggered by eliminating the producer share and increasing the caps.


Feed transportation assistance is provided for the movement of purchased eligible feeds for eligible breeding animals to address feed shortages due to drought conditions.

Payments for feed transportation:

Transportation costs for eligible feed purchased and transported between June 1, 2021 and April 15, 2022, for a minimum distance of 40 kilometres up to a maximum loaded distance of 600 kilometres.

Payments for hay, straw, greenfeed, stover and silage are based on the following rates:
$0.16 per tonne kilometre for the first 100 kilometres of a haul
$0.10 per tonne kilometre for the remainder of a haul for up to an additional 500 kilometres
Payments for grain and concentrates, and high moisture feeds approved by the Program Administrator are based on the following rate:
$0.05 per tonne kilometre up to 600 kilometres

Payments for each receipt provided by the applicant will be the payment rate multiplied by the distance transported multiplied by the number of tonnes transported, or the amount of the receipt, whichever is less.

Transportation assistance is additional to assistance that may be received for feed assistance.

Application Deadline

The application deadline of May 13, 2022 has now passed.

Documentation of Claims

Feed purchase, feed testing, and feed transportation claims must be supported by invoices and proof of payment submitted at time of application. For custom-hauling feed, proof of purchase is required for both the hauling charges and purchase of the feed transported. For self-hauled feed, proof of purchase for the feed and a self-haul declaration are required.

Applicants are not required to submit invoices or proof of purchase with their one-time declaration of extraordinary expenses, but must maintain these records in the event that they are requested by the Program Administrator as part of the review, verification or audit process.


Support documents and tools to assist you in completing your application.

  • Factsheet - AgriRecovery Feed Transportation Assistance Payment Calculation
  • Quick Reference - How to Apply for Livestock Feed and Transportation Assistance
  • Quick Reference - What Qualifies for Livestock Feed and Transportation Assistance


         Manitoba Agriculture
         AgriRecovery Drought Assistance
         903-401 York Avenue
         Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P8
         Toll Free: 1-844-769-6224
